04 June, 2010

The "Goal" World

 Just because summer is approaching quickly (it is June already?!) and schools will adjourn for summer break doesn't mean that kids should take a break from learning. Summer is a wonderful time to encourage your child to choose to learn about topics that interest him/her. 

In this week's literacy activity, I hope you will do just that. Ask your child what he/she would like to learn more about this summer. You never know what will come out of his mouth! A friend of mine told me recently that she asked her son that question. His answer? He wanted to build robots! She is encouraging him to do this by providing materials and plenty of free time. When I asked my girls what they wanted to learn more about this summer, geography was high on their list. So, we bought a giant world map and plastered it on one of the walls in their room. But how to make it fun?

The answer came in the mail. In the sporting magazine my husband subscribes to. Evidently there is a little something called the World Cup (of soccer/football) going on this summer. So, 32 teams from all around the world will compete in South Africa for a month's worth of matches and the winner earns a giant trophy and world-wide bragging rights. I smell a geography lesson here (dressed in cleats).

I bought ball-shaped stickers and the kids placed one on each of the 32 countries. As we follow the matches, we will track the teams' progress. We will also try to identify the capitals, flags, and location of each of the countries. When a country is eliminated we will take off the soccer ball. Geography+Sports? GOAL!!!

Click here to find out more about the World Cup 2010.

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