14 April, 2010

Make Something Beautiful

My nine year old daughter came home from school today, big smile on her face. She drew out a gauzy pink sachet tied with a silver ribbon from her backpack.
Look at this, Mommy! Inside the sachet was this lovely handmade bracelet.
This week is career week at my kids' elementary school. Every day, parents with occupations from physicians, dentists, pilots and computer programmers to florists, sommeliers and veterinarians have come in the classrooms to tell the kids about their jobs. My kids have come home from school with plastic brains, toothbrushes, toy planes, business cards, tulips, and one very detailed explanation of the importance of spaying and neutering household pets.
My kids were happy to listen to the parents' descriptions of their jobs rather than doing schoolwork this week. But when fashion designer Ema Koja of Ema Savahl Couture came in to speak to the third graders, my daughter was inspired
Why? Just ask my nine year old. "She makes things beautiful!"
Indeed she does.
Does my daughter seriously want to be a fashion designer when she grows up?  She still has a long time to decide on her career choice, but I think endeavoring to make something beautiful, whether it is art, music, or clothing is something worthy to aspire to.

Follow this link to see the Ema Savahl Couture's collections:

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